1) Do you have offers, discounts and exclusive coupons for reduction sale?
Yes, whenever we provide our customers with exclusive offers and discounts sometimes, we inform these through emails. Kindly stay subscribed for our emails to know more about the sales going on thecookwarehaven.com.
2) What is 'my account'?
In 'My account', you can fill a registration form and have a personal profile on our website. This tracks your previous orders and history of your activities that you can view anytime.
3) How do I know my order has been confirmed?
You will receive a confirmation message through email once your order is confirmed.
4) Are your products food safe? Are they microwave safe and dishwasher safe?
All of our products are food safe. To know whether they microwave safe or dishwasher read the product details and instructions because each product may be made of different materials, and there might be variation in the features.
5) Do you ship to different destinations?
Yes, we do ship to different destinations. You just have to provide the correct address for the delivery at the time of purchase.
6) Can I change or modify my order?
You have the chance to modify your order if it has not been transmitted.
7) Where can I purchase thecookwarehaven.com items? Do you have a physical retail store?
You can purchase thecookwarehaven.com products at www.thecookwarehaven.com only. We do not have a retail store at present. In case in future, if we come up with such an idea, we shall inform you.